Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?
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Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Ulkhror »

I can't promise anything right now but let's imagine that I could send your questions to Joe on a regular basis?
Let's say on a monthly basis or 2 monthly basis (at best :lol: ).

What would be the questions that you would have for Joe?
(Let's make things clear here. Don't ask for "When will you release Battle Chasers #11?" Try to ask some questions more "general", some questions that may still be accurate and valuable over time: about his career, his past decisions etc.

I will select the questions that I consider the best. Then I will send them to Joe and then... I will keep my fingers crossed.
And if I don't get any answer then I may use those questions for an interview later on ;)

Thank you!
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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Maxmarvel123 »

Which one of his favorite video games he'd like to adapt into comic books?

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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Ulkhror »

I was not able to promise anything before but now I can!
So write your questions to Joe below and I MAY use some of them (as is or modified) and ask them to Joe!

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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Morren »

I've got a few questions I'd love to potentially have answered.
#1- The little bit of Gaia that we have gotten to see has been awesome, but I constantly hope to see more. Are there any other plans to bring Battle Chasers to life outside of the comics? I.E. more games, artbooks, animation, maybe even world books with some back story? Or is that farther than has been planned?

#2- Are there any plans for future content with other artists to keep things going?

#3- Any chance we could get some figures closer to the style and price point of the League of Legends unlocked series for Battle Chasers?

#4- Any intention to create more merchandise, posters, shirts, stickers, figures, games, or anything else?

I really love Battle chasers and hope these can get thrown in. Cheers dude.

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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Shaughn »

Do you plan on continuing the Battle Chasers comic after you wrap up the story arc with issue 12?

Which artists did you look at and contact, to complete the battle chasers comic?

A lot of fans have voiced their disappointment that you will not be drawing the next 3 issues of Battle Chasers. What would you say to those longtime fans and newer fans to get them to embrace the new comic?

There are more things I'd love to ask but these are the ones on the top of my head.

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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Ulkhror »

I've just sent some questions to Joe.

Regarding the questions you asked.
First 1 note: For this round I wanted to focus on Battle Chasers and the upcoming comics... even if all the questions were not directly related to that.
Which one of his favorite video games he'd like to adapt into comic books?
I didn't submit that one at the moment.
#1- The little bit of Gaia that we have gotten to see has been awesome, but I constantly hope to see more. Are there any other plans to bring Battle Chasers to life outside of the comics? I.E. more games, artbooks, animation, maybe even world books with some back story? Or is that farther than has been planned?
Not as general and opened but still I asked about a Battle Chasers cartoon.
#2- Are there any plans for future content with other artists to keep things going?
I asked for an after Battle Chasers #10-12 with some other artists involved
#3- Any chance we could get some figures closer to the style and price point of the League of Legends unlocked series for Battle Chasers?
#4- Any intention to create more merchandise, posters, shirts, stickers, figures, games, or anything else?
I asked a more general question about Battle Chasers mercs. A Red Monika statue by ihaztoys is already coming though.
Do you plan on continuing the Battle Chasers comic after you wrap up the story arc with issue 12?
Question asked
Which artists did you look at and contact, to complete the battle chasers comic?
Similar question asked
A lot of fans have voiced their disappointment that you will not be drawing the next 3 issues of Battle Chasers. What would you say to those longtime fans and newer fans to get them to embrace the new comic?
I haven't asked that one.
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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Morren »

#3- Any chance we could get some figures closer to the style and price point of the League of Legends unlocked series for Battle Chasers?

I asked a more general question about Battle Chasers mercs. A Red Monika statue by ihaztoys is already coming though.

That was actually why I asked about that specific price point. The ihaztoys statue is great but a bit out of my price range. The league of legends unlocked figures are about $75 which is a much easier buy for me.

I can't wait to see his answers across the board though. Thanks for doing this Thomas.

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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Ulkhror »

Morren wrote:
Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:28 pm
That was actually why I asked about that specific price point. The ihaztoys statue is great but a bit out of my price range. The league of legends unlocked figures are about $75 which is a much easier buy for me.

I can't wait to see his answers across the board though. Thanks for doing this Thomas.
Ho ok, I got your point now!
Well, I simply asked if there would be more figures down the road without focusing on the format.
I keep my fingers crossed to get his replies. I may have asked too many questions already :')
This will be the first time that Joe contributes directly to So I'm super happy! ... If he indeed replies :))
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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by IsraelWebb »

Ulkhror wrote:
Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:30 pm
I can't promise anything right now but let's imagine that I could send your questions to Joe on a regular basis?
Let's say on a monthly basis or 2 monthly basis (at best :lol: ).

What would be the questions that you would have for Joe?
(Let's make things clear here. Don't ask for "When will you release Battle Chasers #11?" Try to ask some questions more "general", some questions that may still be accurate and valuable over time: about his career, his past decisions etc.

I will select the questions that I consider the best. Then I will send them to Joe and then... I will keep my fingers crossed.
And if I don't get any answer then I may use those questions for an interview later on ;)

Thank you!
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Re: Do you have some questions for Joe Madureira?

Post by Ulkhror »

Thank you for joining in.
Unfortunately Joe never answered to my questions despite he said twice that he would...
Maybe one day.
I will still consider some of the questions asked here if the opportunity arise again
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