What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?
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I would be "ok" with the Battle Chasers #10-12 comics if...

Joe would be the only one drawing 100% of the comics
Joe would be drawing 50% of the comics
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Joe would be drawing 25% of the comics
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Joe would draw less than 25% of the comics: the "key" "splash arts"
Joe would draw the covers
Other (give some precision)
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What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by Ulkhror »

Hi all,

Since the Battle Chasers Nightwar Kickstarter campaign, many of you are waiting for the Battle Chasers comics #10-12 (I'm with you).
But also, many of you were probably a bit (if not more) disappointed by the Kickstarter update #48 where Joe announced that:
Realistically, the only way to get the books finished and into your hands any time soon is to recruit some highly talented individuals to help out. I’ll still be working on the story of course, and drawing as many pages as I can manage.
So, since Joe won't be the only one involved in the drawings, what would be "ok" for you?

I assume that Joe would draw at least 1 cover for each comic though...
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Re: What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by Ulkhror »

Personally I would be "ok" with:
[*]Joe would draw less than 25% of the comics: the "key" "splash arts"
[*]Joe would draw the covers

The covers are for me the minimum since this is what motivate me the most to buy a comic (When Joe's art is on the cover)
Now we are talking of Battle Chasers, the comic created by Joe!
As a consequence I'm expecting a bit more than "just" a cover, that's why I voted for the "25% less" option.
I welcome every new art from Joe so I would be "OK" with a few pages ;)
The most will be the better but at least, I would be pleased with 25% and covers.
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Re: What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by Maxmarvel123 »

As i said on the other topic, i think Ludo Lullabi's skills is the perfect amalgam of Joe's art style for drawings issue 10 to 12, after all, Joe is incredibly busy guy running on his studios now, just like Jim Lee, who's only drawn few pages of Bendis' Legion of Superheroes: Millennium and returned to full-focus on the publishing.

Also, I won't mind to see Joe do the covers.

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Re: What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by Madcat2u »

I wish that Joe would do the next comics in a similar form to the Darksiders Genesis game: multiple characters available to play (including Garrison, Gulley, Monica, Aramus assuming he’s still alive, etc.), release the game with multiple chapters and let the game unfold. I love his games and let him do the artwork of the games instead with an Art book and other companion goodies...

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Re: What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by Art Rich Studio »

I would love it if Joe did all of the pencils. Ultimates Vol 3 is my favorite comic regarding art and creative direction. Joe's Pencils and colored by Liquid! (I'm assuming Christian) was amazing. I like Joe's ideas but maybe if he plotted out the story and got a another writer to pick up the bulk of that responsibility. Ultimately, Joe is going to do what he can and I would probably buy it no matter what, but... This would have me the most excited about more Battle Chasers. :D

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Re: What would be an "OK" recipe for the upcoming Battle Chasers #10-12?

Post by thunder80skid »

Of course, what we all wanted was Joe to draw all three issues. This would have been the proper conclusion as promised by the man himself. Sadly, it is not to be. Ludo is a cool artist, nothing against him at all but people are going to be disappointed with this situation and I feel they have every right to be.

That said, I am glad to some extent that Battle Chasers #10-12 are happening in any form. I will be picking up the books and I look forward to the story wrapping up.

As for the right recipe for Joe's involvement, I would like to see him do covers and some percentage of the interiors. Covers alone is not good enough in my book after all of these years. I feel Joe should pencil certain sequences, perhaps flashbacks or sublots so some of the interior work is his. Alternatively, he could do short 6 page backup stories in each issue showcasing some other interesting characters, history, lore from the BC world. Joe doing some level of interior artwork would make all the difference here. If he ends up just doing covers or no art at all, I will definitely not view these books as the true conclusion to Battle Chasers.

Has anyone heard anything official about Joe's involvement? Hopefully we get an interview and official release info soon. I wonder if the fan response will have any impact on Joe's decision to not be heavily involved with the art. Social media is flooded with negative comments about him not doing the art. Perhaps he'll have a change of heart? I hope so.

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